During these two long week school vacation, I’m sure you guys have great holiday but ...for me be all in the day's work ~ Nevertheless, I enjoy surfing net (Twitter) till whole night and by the way I have seriously insomnia these few days .But i better taking fully precaution in keep my eyeballs on my dad ~ He actually often wake up in midnight to has his close stool "investment" .Then pleading with my mum, finally I had making a trip to Sabah last week and surely having much fun too >.<
My sushi Night~
Breakfast ~=p(so crowd , not bad)

Here is Wisma Merdeka Mall and seem like having a charity of donation blood activities ~Actually, we planned to watch movie “Devil” but time limited ~haiz~

Miss out KK’s Seafood was a great deprive !!!!

with crisply coffee bean in ~(Black forest )
After all, time to back to my nest ~